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the ArtHouse

because Life is an interactive Art Gallery




 Networking Synergy

The VISION here is to create a computer based dynamic Multi Media Platform,

a system of exchange, systemically compiling Solutions

accessible for FREE to everyone interested in the Solutions Solaris, as a global enterprise,

has to offer to Humanity.


A system designed to connect up relevant Data WITHIN the different areas

of the Arthouse & synergising long term all the individual unique SOLARIS satellites all

over the world. 

As we contiously evolving & learning more about how this reality is created & how

we do interface with it all,

This System will operate as an ever- expanding Library & Multi Media Platform.


Solutions for ALL problematic conditions are ALREADY in existence,

yet they may lay dorment somewhere,

not connected  SYSTEMATICALLY into the world wide “informational Market place”

not reaching places & people where they are most needed.


As a key feature to connect the Seeker with the relevant information for a specific challenge,

highly efficient search engines must be in operation, systemising input into the Library

tagging solution data on every angle & level imaginable & 

making solutions for universal challenges available instantly.


Categories For Systemising Data could be as followed


• Archiving what works (and what doesn’t) & Why 

(Eg.a re- occuring conflict in a Solaris Offshot has been resolved, the different (un -) successful

approaches are detailed, contextualised & their universal value extracted & made available

to other Solaris Off shots encountering similar challenges


 • Profiling individual People, their Passion & Specific expertise

 (Eg. A specific much needed knowledge can be located & either accessed via already existing 

documents/ videos or a Skype and/or a Residency could be offered to the skilled Individual) 


 • Profiling Individual Solaris Off shots, according to their Focus, their Expertise

 & specific Skill Set present at any given moment (eg. an aspiring carpenter with a desire

to learn about Permaculture currently associated with a Solaris Off shot in St. Petersburg

wants to learn Spanish & can pinpoint a Solaris Off Sho in Costa Rica providing

all relevant conditions for her to pursue her next step.


 • Pooling of material Ressources

(Eg.a Surplus offering of printers in one Solaris Off shot can be located, registered & transferred

to another location where it maybe needed) 


 • Coordination of Universal Solutions tested by Solaris

(Here relevant is the potent.use of a mobile “Performance  Arm” operating global wide,

amplified by Solaris TV)


 • Global Networking with like minded Organisations, People & Initiatives

around Solutions for Humankind (such as a project aiming for implementation

of an unconditional income for every human being on Planet Earth could be linked

with other already existing initiatives etc)


Data considered relevant is foremost but not exclusively systemised around



Processes & Methods evolving the Individual around Self Governance while

  strengtening positive social interaction & authentic harmony wihin the Group


Healing deep seated Trauma, “Criminal acting out”, Addiction &

  so called mental illnesses at the Root level


Working knowledge / Skills to transition the individual out of Victim states towards

   Self realisation & realised Creatorship


Empowering (entrepreneurial) Pathways out of Poverty into Wealth

   & (material) abundance


Holistic Health Solutions alongside both: Ancient wisdom & cutting edge High Tech strategies


Global Structural solution tackling universal challenges such as release

   of Free Energy technologies, alternative ways to use money as a neutral system of barter


• Making holistic TECHNIQUES & SKILLS available to pioneer the building

  of physical structures according to (ecological) Recycling principles,

  tried & tested by the Arthouse/ Solaris (eg the use of discarded Car tires to create

  thermal heat producing building structures as demonstrated by The EarthShip movement)

















© 2014 by Mona

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