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the ArtHouse

because life is an interactive Art Gallery




Mutually binding schemes between

the landlord and the ARTHOUSE involves:


  • Committment of a fixed rent-free time period in Exchange for full Restauration of the building


  • Artistic, professionally crafted refurbishment of the location


  • Enabling the landlord to exempt the building from business rates & have the building maintained and secured  from potential squatting.


  • The ARTHOUSE gets Access to (usually) unaffordable studio space


  • Delivery of Community building Solutions for neighbourhoods across London.


  • A fixed percentage of the profit made through the ARTHOUSE will go back to Funders,providing stake-holders with tangible, evidence based data that will demonstrates our social return on investment (SROI)


  • We are aiming for diverse Funding streams such as Public/ Private/ and CROWDFUNDING (YES please fund us HERE!), which might continue to run optional after the first year is finished, yet the aim is to reach financial sutainability after the first year through the areas outlined HERE


  • Future committment towards Rent remaining a dynamic FIXED percentage of the (monthly) profit being generated through the ARTHOUSE rather than a fixed amount. This guarantees WIN/WIN long term with everyone being happy!


In order to provide ongoing Integrity of the ARTHOUSE on all levels, all financial transactions have to be completely transparent, both:

  • Externally for all Funding Bodies (including the Public) as well as

  • Internally to all involved ARTHOUSE contributers (whether they are directly involved or not). This is achieved by a quarterly GENERAL MEETING, as well as an ANNUAL AUDIT, involving all potential stakeholders, Funders, ARTHOUSE Contributers, members of the Public and all other interested Parties.



This scheme is designed to be exported into other parts of the UK and ultimately throughout the world.  





© 2014 by Mona

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