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the ArtHouse

because Life is an interactive Art Gallery



Strategies for Income Generation

through the ARTHOUSE


(1) OnSite Sale of Health related Products purchased wholesale

     & distributed at the ARTHOUSE

(2) Art work produced on site, exhibited & sold in the ART HOUSE

     turning into a permanent Gallery

(3) Regular Work-shops/ Events & ongoing Classes

(4) Café area

(5) Regular Indoor markets

(6) Cycling Shop


Please NOTE, that all of the above areas provide Training and Education opportunities for those passionate about taking learned Skills further, possibly setting up their own company.



Brief for All 6 Key Areas




This will over time develop to become a major source of income, as the interest in Health is literally exploding. A few people on the Core team are holding extensive knowledge in potent cutting-edge, personally tried out health protocols & products.

Different products will have to be tested throughout the 1- year initiation period In order to establish what might be the most rewarding in terms of quality & revenue collection.

Criteria influencing which products will be part of our Selling repertoire will be:

Storage capacities, affordable Deliveries costs & ethical wholesale, high profit margins

through bulk purchase, as well as the actual Quality & effectiveness of the product itself.





There are essentially 2 types of Art works:

  • Functional and/or purely aesthetic Art, which will furnish the space itself and advertise/ market the workshops classes in which the relevant techniques can be learned.

  • Art that is exhibited in a more formal setting during official “shows and exhibitions'. 


The idea is that the Space itself as well as its’ interior design are continuously changing & 

Becoming living Art installations in themselves. 

Workshops & the daily work in the studio will deliver a continuous flow of functional Art 

Keeping it simple:

Anything that is produced & exhibited within the ART HOUSE can be purchased

and the associated Craft behind it can be learned by enrolling in the Classes  & Workshops.

People drinking a coffee in a handmade cup crafted in a Ceramics workshops are being inspired to participate in the offered workshops and on-going Classes,

As they can literally see that Art is used to create both: a Space that is aesthetically pleasing & promoting well-being by handcrafting beauty into existence, as well as functional!


The idea is to score materials used for the Art projects from everyday sources, utilising familiar ecological principles “Re-use/ Re-duce / Re-cycle” to inspire people into a more environmentally friendly way to live their own lives.

Essentially the ART HOUSE becomes a self promotional marketing vehicle, a permanent Gallery space. 




This is the most obvious and immediate income generator, as everyone on the Core team, 

as well as collaborators have a unique set of skills and talents which can be passed on in the teaching environment of a workshop/ an ongoing class or a (themed) event. 



(4) CAFE


This encompasses the idea of a Space that connects on many levels, allowing creative energies to bounce off each other, to include  many different activities happening at once (eg open Mic performances while a Painting workshops runs parallell with the Bicyle shop across on the other side of the room).

The whole Cafe furniture/  Equipment and utensils are ideally either handbuilt in the relevant Craft workshops, donated or sourced from one of the many Recycling places.

To start generating income straight away within the first few months, a simple Menu is designed that is kept limited with a small range of Easy-to-prepare dishes, drinks and desserts until the wholesale arrangments and Leftover Pick up FOOD RUNS are set up to further expand in the second half of the funded year, turning the Cafe (through an additional Raw Food and Herbal/  Superfood Smoothies Menue) into a major source of profit  for the ARTHOUSE 




Regular Markets are a wonderful way to reach a much wider audience and draw more people to the Art HOUSE. They could be run once a month and combined with other events happening.

All products createdin workshops can be put on display and sold at these markets, giving in particular the many craft based Artists a wonderful opportunity to produce an income. 

Again, the idea is create multi media spectacles, eg connecting musical performances, a Craft work-shop or a Dance classes during the day with with a DJ led dance party concluding the event. 




The popularity of Cycling in Western World as an empowering, environmentally friendly and health promoting means of transport has dramatically increased in the last decades. This can be seen in the growing number of Cycling Shops, communal Cycling projects, organised Cycling trips and the general willingness of people to incorporate Cycling as a Way of Living.

The ARTHOUSE is combining all of the above with an emphasis of inspiring many more people to get on a bike by providing funded Low cost communal Cycling workshops geared towards Maintenance/ Repair and the Recycling of old discarded frame into affordable

bike to be circulated at affordable prices in the wider Community.






Financial Sustainability


© 2014 by Mona

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