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the ArtHouse

because Life is an interactive Art Gallery

Our entire cosmology is on the move

We are now living in a world where we start understanding

that  ALL is connected, that our Realities are multidimensional &

that WE are not just “An.Inside.Out. Part” of this whole interconnected fabric of EVERYTHING.

But that we are interfacing with it all. CREATIVELY.

For good or bad. Consciously or Unconsiously. Constructively or Destructively.

That we do indeed CREATE through our most private Thoughts, Emotions & everyday actions every single aspect of our lives.

Down to our cellular state of being, materialising outwardly as Health or Illness

Yes BOTH: We are creating our inner & outer landscapes. 100% of the time.

We are CREATORS....Living. Breathing extensions of an energy connecting all & being in everything. FULLSTOP

All of the above is updating our personal & collective Cosmologies and bringing them into harmonious alignment with this new paradigm,

is what it will take to stir this Earth ship around


Creativity is & has NEVER been a force operating outside of us,

operating only in some areas, through selected Skills & Activities

& those chosen few Artists. 

Instead it is our very lifeforce poured into ONE SINGLE WORD,

sustaining the very core of who we are

& it is NATURALLY available to everyone. 

No single exemption to the Rule


Humanities collective future & survival on Planet Earth

is largely depending on each individual tapping into the realisation of

our INNATE Creatorship, capitalising on our unique creative gifts,

following our greatest Joy & as a result we start organically contributing

to the Creation of a New Earth.


The entire Arthouse is birthed through the understanding that 

Everything is Art, because everything is consciousness & that  


We are indeed the Experiment, The Laboratory & The Experimenter


The Arthouse is designed to be a place where Self Governance meets

the Spirit of our factual interconnectedness through Intentional Community!

A Place where ART meets LIFE


        Literally any field of life can be Creatively explored!


"The Art of Cooking, the Art of brushing your skin thoroughly in the morning to awaken your body to life, the Art of fruitful informational exchange between people, 

the Art of designing your home, the Art of making love to another person,

the Art of maintaining your bike, the Art of managing your business, 

the Art of peaceful negotiation in the face of a conflict, 

the Art of becoming the grandest version of yourself”


Therefore everything happening in the ART HOUSE is creative!


The whole Arthouse experience is an ongoing ever-expanding exploration

of our infinite diverse creative human talents within a shared communal environment.




We would like to emphasis that we aiming towards a healthy mixture of

Left-Brain AND Right Brain activities.

It is understood that we are comprised of both and ultimately we are all

seeking to establish a healthy balance internally.

It is equally important to take note that most people tend to lean towards a personal expression that favours one.

It is for this very reason that many (self employed) Individuals, Business and Communities disintegrate or are simply not as successful as they could be,

because both qualities are essential, have to be therfore explicitly valued

and are ideally represented in an equal amount in any Project seeking to thrive.


It is here that a conscious pooling of ressources, talents and skills

achieved through Conscious Community is not just desirable,

but becomes a plain necessity.. 


Activities in the ARTHOUSE cover a wide diverse spectrum


Sample Workshops:


  • Craft (Mosaic Tiling/ Textile/Painting/ Sculpture/ Wood work etc) 

  • Music/ Sound production (Choirs, Singing, Chanting, Jams, Poetry etc)

  • Self management & Social Skills (eg Stress, Dreamwork, Self inquiry)

  • Movement based (eg Dance/ Theatre & Performance, Yoga & Pilates)

  • Therapeutic & Healing Modalities (Meditation, Breathing, EFT, Kinesiology)

  • Nutritional Medicine (Raw Food, Sprouting, Kombucha, Herbal medicine, Foraging etc) 

  • Recycling Workshops (turning discarded into useful Sculpture & Furniture) 

  • Gardening  (Learning to grow one's own Food, ongoing Gardening/ Permaculture workshops etc)

  • Cycling (organised tour, Bicyle maintainance, Bicyle/ Frame Building etc)


Possibilities are truly endless depending on presence of Skills, facilitators, demands of visiting Clientele and the restauration requirements of the actual building itself!


Please find a sample time table HERE



© 2014 by Mona

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