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the ArtHouse

because Life is an interactive Art Gallery

The idea here is to create a dynamic system of exchange:

Everyone participating in the ARTHOUSE is gaining,

provided they are willing to responsibly contribute.


Because the initial funding scheme is covering the (ongoing) costs

for the actual space, the period of the entire year free Access to the space, Equipment and it's facilities  is free under the following conditions:


Everyone who uses the space, whether it be: 

  • permanently (Core team) or

  • occasionally (Collaborators/ Volunteer) or

  • on a pure participation -in–the-activities basis (Visitor/ Client)



The Participation Scheme allows the Exchange:


  • Of Time /Energy

  • and/or Skills

for use of Studio space & /or Participation in the ARTHOUSE activities.

This is in particular relevant for people on a low income Scale!


The TIme/ Energy & Skills EXCHANGE Scheme is geared towards actual maintenance of the ART HOUSE within the following KEY areas: 


(1) Running the Café

(2) Ordering of produce and ingredients for everything sold in the Café

(3) Opening accounts with relevant Wholesalers & making sure that wholesale products to be sold on-site are being ordered in time and are in stock

(4) Cleaning and General Maintainance within the ART HOUSE

(5) Coordination of daily activities open to the public (this includes making/ updating a daily/ weekly To-Do list and the coordination of volunteers and collaborators)

(6) Networking and Marketing the Events/ Classes and Workshops

(7) Creating and updating of the Website

(8) Accounting/ Banking

(9) Filming and documenting the ART HOUSE experience:


A list of things the ARTHOUSE requires will online & physically displayed OnSite



Depending on access time, there can’t be a fixed weekly rate,

but as a rule of thumb we suggest:


  • Core team members would contribute around 15 hours each week towards communal task 

  • Occasional Collaborators may vary depending on their actual use of space


All profit that is generated through the ART HOUSE will be partly fed back into the support structure through the following avenues:


33% of all Profit that is being generated through the ART HOUSE by an individual/ and or organisation will be funnelled back towards

maintenance of the actual ART HOUSE Community (in order to set up specific events, purchase of agreed necessities, paying someone whose services are needed but not part of our in-house skills etc)


11% of all Profit that is being generated through the ART HOUSE by an individual/ and or organisation will be paid back to the Funders as an actual financial return on his social investment in community building.


Co-operative Elements

Financially there are 4 amongst the 6 outlines income generating areas, that operate co-operatively.


In more practical terms: After the 44% are routinely deducted from the profit as outlined above the remaining money is distributed amongst all regular 15 hours/ a week Space contributors, whereas the other 2 areas (the selling of individually crafted art/ objects and individually facilitated events/ workshops and classes advertised and sold through the space) allow the individual Facilitator / Artist to keep 56% of the price asked.


The co -operatively operated areas are:

  • Café

  • Onsite health- product sale

  • Indoor market

  • Cycling Shop


By providing a relatively free and unmonitored Self governing environment for the individual

within a collaborated space, we are actively encouraging personal integrity for anybody who wishes to use the ART HOUSE; this means each individual using the space is expected to account for his/ her own in-and outgoings in a self responsible manner and provide the associated accountant with all relevant information by the end of each month.







© 2014 by Mona

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